Canton Airport (CTK)
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Canton, United States (US) This airport is closed
FAA Code
Time ZoneAmerica/Winnipeg (GMT -5:00)
Canton Airport Reviews (2)
I worked on Canton Island from mid-1971 through late 1972. I worked for Federal Electric Corporation on contract with the U.S. Air Force installing a myriad of electronic equipment. Canton was designated as SAMTEC OL1, that is/was Space and Missle Test Center Operating Location 1. I lived next door to Mr. Allen, who commented below, and the pilots of the CH3 choppers. I have hundreds of photos of the island both above and below water.
I also worked on Canton Island in the SAMTEC-OL1 days when it’s code was CIS— I worked for Kentron Hawai’i, an LTV Aerospace subsidiary which provided Base Support Services, from 11 April 1971 to 13 April 1972. I ran the AFRTS station, WXLE AM 1385. I saw Mike Kiefer’s name and was delighted. I’ve got pics from those wild equatorial desert island days! Mike, if you see this? It’s Bill Sage at (808) 226-1444, and my email is